help us with a donation
Donations in Swiss francs can be done by bank transfer to:
Boky Mamiko, 8802 Kilchberg (ZH), Switzerland
Bank Name: PostFinance
IBAN: CH83 0900 0000 1502 6047 9
Account number: 15-26047-9
Boky Mamiko is recognized as a non profit organization by the Zurich cantonal tax office. In accordance with tax regulations, donations to Boky Mamiko above CHF 100.- (total annual donation amount) are thus tax-deductible in Switzerland. Upon request via email, Boky Mamiko will issue donations receipts for tax purposes.
Donations in Euro can be done to Boky Mamiko Italia (bank details in the Italian version of this page).
Boky Mamiko is run entirely by volunteers in Switzerland and Italy in collaboration with the directors of the schools we support. This means that 100% of the money donated to Boky Mamiko goes directly to the project and that it is spent on what is most useful for the children and the local community.
It is always hard for donors to visualize how donated money will be spent on. If you wish to make a donation to the Boky Mamiko project, here are some examples of how your donation can be spent on:
50 CHF: monthly scholarship for a high school student (including school fees, food, lodging, school uniform, school appliances, medical assistance and transport costs). ​​
60 CHF: monthly wage of a teacher or librarian.
100 CHF: monthly scholarship for a university student (including university fees, food, lodging, books and laptop, private French and/or English tuitions, medical assistance and transport costs). ​​
150 CHF: purchase of 15 books for a school library.
600 CHF: school meal for three months for 250 children (including ingredients, charcoal and salary for the persons needed for shopping and cooking). School meals are especially needed during the rainy season (January to March), as many children do not get enough food at home.
720 CHF: "adopt" a teacher by paying the yearly salary of one teacher.
If you wish to support the long-term sustainability and development of Boky Mamiko, you can commit to a yearly contribution of 130 CHF or more, which would help us planning activities that require financial sustainability over time, like employing new teachers.